FAQs | Pearson Clinical Assessment UK (2024)

Don’t see what you’re looking for in the FAQs below?Contact us.

You can place your order here or by calling 0345 630 8888  

The total price of your Q-interactive licence comprises two components - access to the Q-interactive system - your licence(s), plus the initial purchase of required subtest usages.

The more users associated with a licence, the lower the licence cost is per user. One licence must be purchased for each user on the system.

The more subtest usages purchased for the licence the lower the per subtest cost will be.

The minimum order for subtest usages is 150 in order to save our customers regularly slipping into a negative balance and receiving email reminders to this effect.

If you are a current Pearson customer, you will not need to complete a Pearson Qualification Form. When your Q-interactive account is set up, Pearson Customer Service will make sure your existing qualification level is applied to the Q-interactive account. This will permit you to access all digital assessments and subtests within Q-interactive that are within your qualification level.

If you are a new customer to Pearson, you will need to complete a New Qualification form.

You will receive the following with a Q-interactive Annual License:

  • Unlimited access to practice mode
  • Volume discounting on subtest administration
  • Access to NEPSY-II and Children's Memory Scale upon request (only charged for subtest administration)
  • Ongoing releases of new system features like enhanced scoring, checklists, etc.
  • Training, including webinars, videos, and helpful tips
  • Unlimited access to technical support
  • Data storage within Pearson's secure Q-interactive environment

The cost of Q-interactive is a combination of an annuallicence fee and subtest usage. You pre-pay for your initial number of usages when you take out your initial licence Annuallicences and pre-paid usages are subject to volume discounts.

You are required to purchase alicence for each user on your Q-interactive account that will be administering tests on the system. Admins and admin assistants who do not see clients do not have to pay for a license. To calculate your total price, determine the type oflicence you want and the total number of users who require that licence. Add that to the number of usages you anticipate needing for the year to obtain your total price.

Yes, any unused subtests can be rolled over to the next year as long as you renew your licence. If a license has not been renewed within 2 years of expiring, the additional subtests that were associated with it will expire as well.

Yes, we will prorate the access cost of thelicence for the user to the nearest full month. You can add users to your account by going here or by calling 0345 630 8888

Additional usages can be added to your account by calling our Customer Service team on 0345 630 8888 or by ordering online via Quickorder.

If you do not purchase additional usages, you can continue to administer subtests and be billed at the end of your licence term using the standard pre-paid usage pricing, the overage is billed at the standard prevailing rate with no discount available for bulk purchases as per our standard structure.

Please note our minimum usage order quantity is 150 usages.

Yes, Q-interactive can be used in graduate training programs for £120 per student. This provides the instructor and student with unlimited access to Q-interactive for the year. This special pricing is only available for coursework-based practice, not clinical use. Take a look at our  Training Partner Program (TPP) to find out further information.

Yes, the RAP discount can be applied to Q-interactive orders. Click here to learn more about ordering Q-interactive through the RAP program.

No – you can order any number of usages over and above 150, for example a quantity of 158 or 1058 could be ordered. Remember any order for 751 or more is eligible for a bulk discount as per our pricing page here.

No - provided you renew your annual licence, all unused usages remain on your account and simply roll over ready to use the following year. You have them until they are used! 

The starting cost for any quantity ordered between 150 and 750 subtests is still £1.80 + VAT per subtest. Our pricing tab has additional information on pricing. Also see our volume discount options below. 

Yes, volume discount is available on bulk orders as per the table below. Remember unused subtest usages do roll over year on year. 

150 - 750 subtest usages- £1.80 (per subtest)  

751 - 5000 subtest usages - £1.65 (per subtest)

5001+ subtest usages - £1.40 (per subtest) 

Subtests can be ordered in one of two ways as below. In either method the item code to quote for Q-interactive subtests is 9780749167615.

NHS/Local Authority Customers  

For larger services who are required to submit a purchase order, please send your orders to orders@pearsonclinical.co.uk. Alternatively, you can submit purchase orders online using the processusing the process outlined here.

Independent Practitioners/Card Orders

You can now renew your licence and order subtests online via our new website, using the quick order form here. Your Q-interactive account is updated within 48 business hours with the licence and subtest purchase.

The most frequently administered assessments on Q-interactive in the UK include both the WISC-V UK and WAIS-IV UK.

To obtain the Full-Scale IQ on WISC-V (the most popular index used) a practitioner is required to administer 7 subtests, equating to 7 subtest usages from their Q-I balance. Therefore 150 subtests equates to 7 full WISC-V UK FSIQ assessments.

For WAIS-IV UK assessments where FSIQ is obtained with 10 subtests usages this therefore equates to 5 full FAIQ WAIS-IV.

For Speech Therapists, this equates to approximately 13 Core Language Index assessments with the CELF-5 UK.

Yes – the minimum order of 150 usages is applicable to new and existing Q-interactive customers. It is also applicable when ordered alongside new/renewal licences and at any point midway through your licence period.

The clinician's device must initially be connected to the Internet so batteries you prepared for your client in Q-interactive Central can be synched and downloaded. Once this synching has occurred, the iPads can be used off-line without being connected to a Wi-Fi network . Data gathered during an offline assessment will be saved locally (on the device) until it is reconnected to the Internet and synched back with Q-interactive Central. Be sure to use a secure Internet connection when using Q-interactive.

If you're in an environment with secure Wi-Fi connectivity, Q-interactive can stay connected to the Internet and will save your data both locally and to Q-interactive Central throughout the administration.

Test administration on Q-interactive takes place via two iPads that "talk" to each other via a Bluetooth connection. You use one to administer instructions, record and score responses, take notes, and control visual stimuli. Your client uses the other to view and respond to stimuli. Therefore, to use Q-interactive the following hardware is required:

  • Two (2) Apple® iPad®s
  • One (1) capacitive-enabled stylus

For an optimal testing experience, we recommend you also use:

  • Antiglare screen covers to minimize glare from interior lighting
  • Durable cases to protect the iPads

Finally, while a personal computer with access to the Internet through a standard browser is not strictly necessary to use Q-interactive, it can be helpful when creating assessment sessions, ordering subtests, and exporting data.

See our technical requirements page for a list of supported hardware and Internet browsers. As new digital devices become available, Pearson will test them to ensure compatibility with Q-interactive and update our requirements accordingly.

Pearson Clinical Assessment does not provide or sell any of the above hardware, all of which is available for purchase online and through retail stores that carry iPads.

Yes, you may use your own iPad as long as it meets our minimum requirements. Once you have purchased your Q-interactive license you may download the free Q-interactive Assess app from the App Store on to your iPads and use it along with all of your other applications.

Q-interactive is not currently available for Android tablet users. However, as the Android technology advances, opportunities to have Q-interactive available for Android tablets will be explored.

Our early piloting indicated that desktop and laptop computers interfered with clinician/client rapport. Using tablets allows us to maintain this clinical interaction and helps ensure the equivalence of paper and digital scores.

See our technical requirements page for a full listing of supported and recommended devices. We recommend that you purchase the newest iPad version you can afford, as applications typically perform better on newer devices.

The iPad Mini and iPad Pro can be used as practitioner devices only. Our equivalence studies were conducted using a standard iPad as the client device. Using the Mini or the Pro as a client device would change the size of the stimuli, and we have not evaluated whether this would change our equivalence study results. The 9.7 inch iPad Pro can be used as a client device because it is the same size as the standard iPad models.

Q-interactive has developed a variety of training opportunities, tailored to potential and new users. Overview webinars are available for customers interested in Q-interactive, and Onboarding webinars are available for new customers. See below for how to register for these webinars.

When set up with a Q-interactive account, all uses are sent a welcome email with links to user guides and quick start tutorials. Once you have logged into the qiactive.com, there is a Support tab that contains videos, user guides, and test manuals.

For the most current webinar schedule, view the most recent webinar schedule.

No! Q-interactive contains a Practice Mode that allows you to administer subtests for the purposes of practice free of charge. No scores are calculated or data saved for practice assessments, so they cannot be used for clinical purposes.

Yes! We offer a free 30-day trial for those interested in trying Q-interactive. Sign up for your free trial.

Q-interactive is a comprehensive digital system that can be used to administer and score tests that are traditionally given by an examiner in one-on-one settings (e.g., WISC-V, WAIS-IV, CELF-5, etc.). Testing takes place on two iPads in an app called Assess. You use the first iPad to access the test administration instructions, score and record responses, and control visual stimuli. The examinee uses the other iPad to view and respond to stimuli. Q-interactive also includes a website called Central, which is used to set up clients, generate reports for Assessments administered on the iPads, and store data long term.

Q-interactive is used for the one-on-one administration of tests that require the examiner to control the testing session (e.g., WISC-V, WIAT-III, CELF-5, etc.). Tests are administered using two iPads and the examiner is in control of the session (reading instructions, recording examinee responses, and scoring items). Testing can be completed without a Wi-Fi connection. Q-global is an online system that is used to score tests administered in a paper format. It is also used for the on-screen administration of questionnaire-type tests that are self-guided by the examinee (e.g., BASC-3, MMPI-2, etc.). Q-global can be used on any device with an Internet connection.

Click here for a Qi vs Qg comparative visual.

Yes, all accounts must have at least one admin, who can create new users, assign them to licenses, track usage in the account, and see test data for all of the examinees in the account. Q-interactive also has an admin assistant role. Admin assistants can create users, assign them to licenses, and track usage, but they cannot see any examinee test data. Accounts may contain multiple admins and admin assistants.

Usages cannot be assigned to individual users within the system. Instead, usages are assigned to licenses, and each license may be assigned to one or more users.

Due to legal requirements, every six months, you will be prompted to accept these policies upon log in. This alert will also display if changes are made to these policies. To accept these terms, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on the acceptance box and then submit. If your organization has agreed to special terms with Pearson, those supersede the standard agreement that you accept when logging in.

The personally Identifiable Information (PII or PHI) collected includes only the information you provide when completing the Client Profile Form, test responses, and scores.

Client data is transferred from the iPad, using a secure connection, and stored in an encrypted database at Pearson's dedicated hosting facility at Amazon Web Service (AWS) Canada Central region in Montreal, QC. Some systems and data are also hosted at AWS Europe West 1 region in Ireland. All transfers to or from the web application to the iPad are automatically encrypted, using industry best practices.

Data stored in Canada accommodates the security requirements of U.S., Canadian, European Union and other global data privacy laws.

The following types of general safeguards protect your personal data stored on Q-interactive:

  • Administrative safeguards,
  • Physical safeguards, and
  • Technical safeguards

Such data is secure on Q-interactive:

  • When you access Q-interactive. The "https" Q-interactive site (Qiactive.com) and its database are password protected.
  • During your administration of an assessment or battery. Your data is saved in an encrypted directory on the tablet device.
  • Through a secure transmission. Q-interactive syncs the encrypted data from the encrypted tablet directory to the web application periodically over a secure (industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Internet connection.
  • With your stored data. Your data is protected utilizing encryption, physical security, and administrative safeguards.

Personally identifiable data or personal health information will not be used by Pearson for research, except with your express written permission and consent.

Yes. A primary goal of Q-interactive was to be able to link to the extensive previous research on the validity of the assessment tools offered through Q-interactive. In order to do this, scores on the digitally adapted administration must be comparable to those of the paper version. Having the exact same items allowed this to be possible.

Tests on Q-interactive use their original paper norms. Prior to making a subtest available on Q-interactive (unless an equivalent subtests has been validated as equivalent previously), Pearson conducts an equivalency study of the individual subtest to ensure the results of each subtest are equivalent whether a client takes the subtest on Q-interactive or in the traditional paper/pencil format. In the study of equivalence, subtest score differences between versions have resulted in effect sizes of less than .20. Pearson publishes the findings from each equivalency studies, which you can access on our licensing page.

Materials such as the Block Design blocks and Response Booklets are still required for a number of Q- interactive subtests. This allows us to maintain construct equivalence between the paper and digital versions of subtests. Moving forward, tests will likely be optimized for a digital experience and will no longer require paper materials.

Take a look at the additional materials needed to administer each test on Q-interactive.

Administration and technical manuals for all tests on Q-interactive are available under the Support tab of qiactive.com. They are read only and cannot be downloaded or printed.

Yes! The Q-interactive designers took great care to ensure that most of the clinical flexibility available in the paper world would still be available digitally. You can choose to test limits at the end of a subtest without changing the total raw score, and you can override the system-suggested start points when beginning a subtest. The only limitation is that a subtest cannot be re-administered once it is complete, but a second subtest can be added to your battery at any time, and the score of that second administration will be used to calculate composite scores.

When you sync your data back to Central we create the equivalent of a digital record form, which includes all item level information such as verbatim responses, completion times, etc. This form is stored permanently and you can print it at any time.

Admins have the ability to delete entire clients or individual assessment sessions created by any user within their account. This is a permanent deletion from all databases and the data cannot be recovered once it has been deleted, so ensure that all data has been backed up prior to deleting a client.

No! You are provided the subtest scaled score as soon as you complete a subtest on the Assess app. In addition, composite scores are automatically calculated on Assess as soon as you have administered enough subtests to calculate a composite score. Once you sync data back to Central, you can automatically generate Word-based score reports that are identical to what you would obtain from Q-global or traditional scoring software. This includes the ability to generate PSW or AAD analyses across tests like the WISC-V and WIAT- III.

At this time Q-interactive does not have group export functionality. We are continually adding features for Q- interactive and will consider this for a future release.

Syncing data using the “Sync” button backs up all of the data that is on your iPad’s to the Central server. In addition, if testing with a Wi-Fi connection the Assess app periodically background syncs data from the iPad to Central. Removing data using the “Remove” button permanently removes it from the iPad and backs it up to the Central server. Once data is removed from the iPad, you can no longer change the scores of individual items or remove audio, so cases should be removed only once you have completed those activities.

FAQs | Pearson Clinical Assessment UK (2024)


What is clinical assessment in UK? ›

The primary purpose of the Clinical Assessment (CA) is to determine an applicant's fitness to start Foundation Programme (FP) if they qualified from medical school more than 2 years prior to the start of the foundation programme.

What is included in a clinical assessment? ›

Clinical assessment is the collecting of information and drawing conclusions through the use of observation, psychological tests, neurological tests, and interviews. Reliability refers to consistency in measurement and can take the form of interrater and test-retest reliability.

What are the three goals of clinical assessment? ›

The main purpose of clinical assessments is to help psychologists diagnose their patients when they present with a problem. Clinical assessments are characterized by three critical concepts: reliability, validity, and standardization.

What are the steps of clinical assessment? ›

  • Step 1: Review Clinical History. ...
  • Step 2: Excluding other factors. ...
  • Step 3: Neurological examination. ...
  • Step 4: Nutrition and hydration. ...
  • Step 5: Positioning and posture. ...
  • Step 6: Respiration and swallowing. ...
  • Step 7: Behavioural assessment techniques. ...
  • Step 8: The behavioural assessment procedure.

What is the clinical assessment course in the UK? ›

Course overview

PGCert Clinical Assessment is suitable for all healthcare practitioners involved in the clinical assessment of patients. The programme offers the knowledge and skills to enable you to assess patients from 'head-to-toe' and develop evidence-based management strategies.

What is clinical assessment protocol? ›

CAPs (Clinical Assessment Protocols or Collaborative Action Points) support continuity of care planning by providing common protocols across settings.

What makes a good clinical assessment? ›

These tools include structured interviews, self-report questionnaires, and observation-based scales. Choose validated assessment measures specific to the diagnostic focus, presenting problem, and target audience. Using reliable and valid instruments makes it more likely clinical assessment is objective and accurate.

What is the key function of clinical assessment? ›

Clinical assessment refers to an array of methods and instruments (measures) used by mental health practitioners – chiefly psychologists – to evaluate an individual's functioning in multiple areas and to inform and facilitate decisions or recommendations intended to improve functioning in one or more areas.

How do I prepare for a clinical assessment? ›

10 tips to help you prepare for your Clinical Skills Assessment
  1. Know what the exam involves - key things to expect include: ...
  2. Allow ample time to practise different scenarios. ...
  3. Obtain feedback. ...
  4. Observe senior GPs. ...
  5. Practise being professional. ...
  6. Time yourself. ...
  7. Be specific. ...
  8. Examine.
Mar 19, 2018

Is clinical assessment the same as diagnosis? ›

Assessment is defined as the process in which a therapist collects data and information about their client, while clinical diagnosis is defined by the American Psychological Association as the process of using assessment techniques to identify the signs and symptoms of a mental health condition or disorder.

Why are clinical assessments important? ›

Why is this important? A thorough clinical assessment identifies issues precisely to enable high quality care (care that is safe, effective, efficient, timely, equitable, and person-centered). High quality care is the principal route to reducing adverse events, including those that lead to hospitalization.

Why is clinical assessment an ongoing process? ›

It is important to remember that while accurate assessment usually starts with the first session, it is an ongoing process - as the client feels more comfortable and trusting in the counseling process and working with you as the clinician, and feels comfortable in discussing intimate aspects of their life.

What to expect in a clinical assessment? ›

Clinical Assessment is defined as a process that involves integrating information from interviews, behavioral observations, tests, reports, and historical documents to aid in making decisions related to diagnosis and treatment planning in healthcare settings.

What is an example of a clinical assessment? ›

An example would be a personality test that asks about how people behave in certain situations. It, therefore, seems to measure personality or we have an overall feeling that it measures what we expect it to measure.

What is a clinical assessment (NHS)? ›

This service provides rapid assessment and treatment of patients who do not require admission to hospital.

What is assessment in UK? ›

Assessment is a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables you to ascertain if your learner has gained the required skills, knowledge, understanding and/or attitudes and behaviours needed at a given point in time, towards their learning programme.

What does CAS mean in NHS? ›

Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) is part of our urgent care offer. Patients are referred to Clinical Assessment Service by NHS 111 or by health professionals. CAS is staffed by clinicians such as senior nurses, pharmacists and GPs.

What is a clinical assessment appointment? ›

The Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) is a service for GPs to refer patients to hospital Outpatient services using the national Electronic Referral System e-RS.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.